
boxeo fist fight Lermontov (👈 Pnin Nabokov) ロシア文学最初のボクシング 拳闘 / Vértigo 日本公開 (2023 Fall) La vida es efímera. La vida es corta, demasiado corta. Así que tienes que aprovechar cada momento. Tienes que hacer algo que te haga sentir con vida,... / El pato Donald: Los tres caballeros 三人の騎士 The Three Caballeros (1945 EE UU) / Un golpe de altura ペントハウス Tower Heist 日本公開 (2012) Trump International Hotel & Tower /


 The most famous portrayal of a Russian fistfight is in Mikhail Lermontov's poem, The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov. There, the fistfight tales place as a form of honor duel between an oprichnik (government police agent) and a merchant. It is notable that, according to Lermontov, both characters use combat gloves ('rukavitsy' — reinforced mittens). Though it may be an example of poetic license, the poem states that the first connected blow by Kalashnikov bent a large bronze cross hanging from his opponent's neck, and the second fractured the opponent's temple, killing him. The fight also features in the opera The Merchant Kalashnikov by Anton Rubinstein (1880).

「ロシア文学にボクシシグの描写が 最初にあらわれるのは、ミハエル・レールモントフの詩だが、彼は1814年に生れ、1841年に決闘をして殺された--この生年と、没年はとても覚えやすいだろう。...君も歳をとったら、昔のことを懐かしく思うようになるよ」 (ナボコフ「プニン」第4章8 p.114)


The Lay of Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich, His Young Oprichnik and the Stouthearted Merchant Kalashnikov

 Hail to thee, all hail, Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich!
Tis of thee our lay we did make, O Tsar!
Aye, of thee, and thy well-liked oprichnik,
And the stouthearted merchant Kalashnikov.
In the ancient manner we made the lay,
To the strains of the psaltery sing it we did,
We intoned it loud and we chanted it,
And all good Christian folk took delight in it.
As for boyar Matvei Romodanovsky,
He to each gave a goblet of foaming mead,
And his lady fair did to us present,
On a silver tray laid out prettily,
A right handsome towel sewn with silken thread.
For three days and three nights in the feast we joined
Sing we did 'thout end, but they clamoured for more


 Nay, 'tis not the sun shining bright in the sky,
With the clouds at its beauty marvelling;
Tis the Tsar at his board seated, proud of mien,
Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich in his crown of gold.
And behind him there stand his serving men,
And before him the boyars and princes sit,
His oprichniks they sit to each side of him.
To the glory of God does the good Tsar feast,
Merry makes the Tsar to his heart's content.

 With a smile does he now bid his serving men
Fill his own gold cup full of rich, sweet wine,
Full of rich, sweet wine from beyond the seas,
And to pass it round to his henchmen bold -
The oprichniks drink and the Tsar they praise.

 One amongst them all, he, a fine, brave youth,
But a wilful one, of unruly heart,
In the golden cup did not wet his lips;
Dark of face he sat, with his head bowed low
And his eyes cast down to the very ground,
Plunged in gloom sat he and in trying thought.

 And the mighty Tsar sorely vexed was he,
Knit his brows he did, and with piercing gaze,
Like the hawk that, grim, from the heights above
Eyes the grey-blue dove, so the youth he eyed.
But the youth sat on, with his head bowed low....
In his wrath the Tsar brought his thick staff down;
With a deafening crash did its iron point
Full it sink and deep in the oaken floor -
Still the youth sat on, not a start gave he.
Then in thunderous tones did the Tsar speak up -
And the youth was roused from his revery.

 "Hark and list, Kiribeyevich, brave my lad,
Is it treacherous thought thou dost harbour, say?
Dost thou envy the Tsar his glory and fame?
Of thy faithful service art weary grown?...
When the moon appears, the bright stars rejoice
That the paths of heaven wax luminous.
But should one amongst them hide its face,
To the shadowed earth it will, flashing, fall....
'Tis not meet for thee, Kiribeyevich,
Thus to scorn thy Tsar and his revelry;
Art thou not a Skuratov man by birth,
In Malyuta's own house and home brought up?..."

 To his Tsar the oprichnik answer made,
'Fore him low, to the very ground, he bowed:

 "Hear me out, my Tsar, hear me out, I pray!
Be not wroth with me, thy unworthy slave!
Wine won't quench the flames of a burning heart,
Gloomy thoughts and dark it will not drive off.
If I vex thee, sire, let thy will be done,
Bid them seize thy slave and his head chop off -
Heavy weighs it, Tsar, on my shoulders broad,
Of itself it bows to the grass-grown earth..."

 Said to him the Tsar, with a laugh said he:
"What is there that grieves one so brave and young?
Is thy silken coat frayed and worn with age?
Is thy sable cap, once so fine, now torn?
Is thy purse, once full, free of jingling coin?
Has thy sword, once sharp, tarnished grown and blunt?
Has thy steed gone lame? Was he poorly shod?
Did a merchant's son knock thee off thy feet
In a fist fight fought on the river bank?"

 Kiribeyevich of the curly locks
Proudly tossed his head as reply he made:

 "Not a merchant's son, nor a boyar's son,
Nay, no man is there that can knock me down;
Fast my good steed runs, never falters he;
Bright as polished glass gleams my sabre sharp;
By thy favour, sire, on a festive day
Boast I do of dress rich as any man's;

 When my steed I mount and go riding him
By the Moskva Stream and beyond as well,
With my silken sash round my waist wound tight
And my velvet cap trimmed with sable fur
On my curly head sitting rakishly,
At their gates appear fair young maids and wives,
By their gates they stand and they gaze at me,
And in whispers soft to each other speak.
Only one of them turns away from me,
With a striped silk veil her dear face she clothes...

 "Search the whole of Russ, this our holy land,
And you'll never find one as fair, O Tsar:
Moves she gracefully as a white-winged swan,
Gentle is her gaze as a sweet young dove's,
Tender is her voice as a nightingale's,
Pink as dawn's first ray in the heavens high,
Bloom the roses two on her fresh young cheeks;
Twined with ribbons gay is her golden hair,
Tightly bound is it into silken plaits.
Down her shoulders, sire, run they playfully
And her bosom white touch caressingly.
Born was she in a merchant's house and home
And is named Alyona Dmitrevna.

 "When I look at her I am not myself:
Strengthless grow my arms, limp they grow and weak,
And my eyes so keen, turn they dark and dim;
Sorrow fills my heart at the fearful thought
That the world alone I must roam, O Tsar.
In my charger swift I delight no more,
Nor in costly garb and in finery,
Little do I care for a well-stuffed purse....
Who is there the gold that is mine to share?
Before whom shall I of my prowess boast?
Tore whose gaze shall I my rich garb display?

 "Give me leave to go to the Volga steppe,
Let me lead the life of a Cossack free.
My hot head will I there in battle lose,
By a Tatar hand 'twill be smitten off,
And the infidels for themselves will they
Take my sabre sharp and my goodly steed
And my saddle rich of Circassian make.
At my eyes the ravens will tear and peck,
On my lonely bones dreary rains will fall,
Without burial will my poor dust be
Blown across the steppe by a gusty wind... ."

 To these words the Tsar with a laugh replied:
"Faithful servant mine, I will soothe thy pain,
To thy aid thy Tsar in thy grief will come.
Take my ruby ring and this necklace take -
Made of pearls is it full a Joy to see;
Find a clever wife for a matchmaker,
And these precious gifts have her bear in haste
To thy lady fair Alyona Dmitrevna:
If she'll have thee, lad, hold a wedding feast;
If she'll have thee not, be not sore of heart."

 Hail to thee, all hail, Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich!
By thy cunning slave thou'rt deceived this day!
Aye, the truth has he from his Tsar withheld.
He has told thee not that his lady fair
Is another's wife, is a merchant's spouse
That in church was she to her husband wed
By our holy rites, by the Christian law.

         * * *

 Drink deep, my lads! Sing out in glee!
Come, lads, tune up the psaltery!
With your ringing music drive away care,
Bring cheer to our host and his lady fair!


 In the market place the young merchant sat,
Tall and handsome Stepan Paramonovich
Of the honest house of Kalashnikov.
His gay silken wares laid he smartly out,
And his moneys he counted carefully,
In soft tones he called to the passers-by.
But 'twas little luck that the merchant had:
By his shop the rich folk they tarried not,
No one glanced within, no one bought his wares.

 In the churches the vesper bells have rung,
O'er the Kremlin domes glow the sun's last rays;
Driven on by a singing, moaning wind,
Grey clouds scurry near and the heavens veil....
The great market place it has emptied fast,
And the merchant Stepan Paramonovich
Shuts behind him the massive oaken door,
Turns the figured key in the foreign lock,
And beside the shop, on an iron chain
His old watchdog, a snarling beast, he leaves.
Then, in thought immersed, off the merchant goes
To his home and wife across Moskva Stream.

 Comes he soon enough to his fine, tall house,
And amazed he looks to all sides of him:
For his fair young wife does not welcome him,
Bare the table stands, with no cloth on it,
Tore the icon a single candle gleams.
Calls he then the aged servant woman:
"Come, speak up and say, Yeremeyevna,
Where's thy mistress gone that I see her not?
Where's my wedded wife, Alyona Dmitrevna?
And my children dear, did they weary grow
Of their noisy games, of their play and sport?
Were they put abed at an early hour?"

 "O my master dear, Stepan Paramonovich,
Tis a full strange thing I will say to thee:
To the vespers went Alyona Dmitrevna;
But the priest and his wife are back from church,
They have lit a candle and at supper sit,
Yet thy lady fair she has not returned....
And the little ones they are not at play,
Nor are they abed and asleep, the dears;
It is wailing they are and sobbing loud,
For their mother crying and calling her."

 By a fearful thought was he visited,
Was the youthful merchant Kalashnikov.
By the window he stood with troubled heart,
At the snow-clad street gazed he fretfully.
It was dark without, and the snow swept down.
And it covered the tracks of the passers-by.

 Of a sudden he hears a door slam shut,
And a hurried step to his ear it comes....
Spins he round, and there - Heaven help us all! -
Stands his fair young wife, white of face she stands,
With her headpiece gone and her plaits untwined
And with hoarfrost powdered and melting snow,
And a look in her eye as of one insane,
And her ashen lips forming soundless words....

"Where hast thou been a'wandering, wife, my wife?
To what courtyard or square didst thou stray, come,
That thy head is bare and thy plaits undone
And thy clothing torn and in disarray?
From a wanton feast dost thou come this day?
With the boyars' sons hast thou, wife, caroused?
It was not for this we did plight our troth,
It was not for this 'fore the holy shrine
On our wedding morn we exchanged our rings.
Behind oaken doors will I put thee, wife,
With an iron lock I will lock thee fast.
Ne'er the light of day shalt thou see again,
Nay, nor cast a slur on my honest name."
When the poor young wife heard these scathing
Like an aspen leaf she began to shake;
She began to shake and to sob and weep;
Down her cheeks the bitter tears they rolled,
To her knees she sank at her husband's feet.
 "O my lord, my own, O my radiant sun!
Hear me out or else slay me here and now.
Every word thou sayest to thy hapless wife
Is a knife of steel that doth pierce her heart.
Tis not death I fear be it e'er so cruel,
'Tis not idle rumour that frightens me,
'Tis my lord's displeasure I fear to risk.
 "On my way I was from the church this night,
All alone I was when I thought I heard -
Just behind me, mindÑsomeone's footsteps come.
Glanced I round, and, oh, how my knees they shook! -
'Twas a man, my lord, running after me....
O'er my face my veil pulled I close in haste.
But the brazen one caught my hands in his,
In a whisper soft spoke he thus to me:
'Wherefore fearest thou me, my lovely one?
Not a robber am I, not a highwayman
But the Tsar's oprichnik Kiribeyevich,
Of Malyuta's own house and family....'
By these words was I frighted all the more,
My poor head it spun and my sight grew dim....
He embraced me then and he kissed me too,
Hold me close he did, and he whispered thus:
'Speak and tell me, love, what thou wishest for,
Speak and answer me, and it shall be thine!
Is it pearls or gold that thy heart doth crave,
Is't brocade or silk thou wouldst have from me?
I will dress thee, love, like a princess true,
Of our Moscow wives thou'lt the envy be!...
Do not let me die a poor sinner's death,
Do not let my love unrequited stay,
Love me, kiss me, do, ere we part this night!"

 "And he kissed me then, kissed me many times,
Even now, my lord, when I'm safely back
In my husband's house, like a living flame
His cursed kisses burn on my cheeks and brow.
At their gates, I saw, stood the neighbours' wives,
And they gaped at us, and they laughed in scorn....

 "From his grasp at last I did tear myself,
And for home I made at a run, my lord....
In the villain's hands did thy gifts remain,
Both my silken veil and my coverchief.
Me, the blameless one, hath he sorely wronged,
On my honest self hath he brought disgrace....
What wild tales of me will the neighbours spin?
Tore whose eyes shall I dare to show myself?...

 "Pray, protect me, do, from the spiteful-tongued,
At thy faithful wife do not let them jeer!
Whom have I to trust but thy own sweet self
And to whom but thee can I turn for help?
But for thee am I in the world alone,
For my parents dear in the grave they lie,
In the cold, dark grave lie they do, alas!
Of my brothers two, one, the elder, left
For a distant shore and was seen no more,
And the younger, thou knowest, is a child in years,
Aye, a child in years and in wisdom too..."

 It was thus spoke Alyona Dmitrevna,
Bitter tears she wept and her lot bemoaned.

 Then the merchant Stepan Paramonovich
For his younger brothers in haste he sent,
And his brothers they came and they bowed to him,
In this wise they did speak, the two of them:
"At thy bidding we come, elder brother ours;
What misfortune is thine, tell us truthfully,
That we're summoned by thee at an hour so late
Of a frosty night in the wintertime?..."

 "Hear me, brothers mine, and I'll tell you all.
Great mischance this day hath befallen me,
For the Tsar's oprichnik Kiribeyevich
On our honest name hath brought disgrace,
And a true man's heart cannot bear such wrong,
Such offence as this it cannot endure.
On the morrow the first fight is to be,
In the Tsar's own presence, on Moskva Stream....
With the Tsar's oprichnik I'll come to grips,
To the death the rascally knave I'll fight!
And should I be slain, then, my brothers dear,
Come you out in my stead and fight for truth,
Fight for honour and truth and be not afeared!
You are younger than I and of fresher strength,
You have sinned the less, and your souls are pure,
And perchance the Lord will be kind to you."

 And the brothers two in reply they said:
"Where the wind it blows in the heavens high,
There the clouds, obedient, rush in haste.
When the blue-winged eagle with raucous cry
Calls his young to the field where lie the slain,
When he summons them to a gory feast,
At his call they come without dallying.
Thou'rt a father true, brother dear, to us,
'Tis for thee to say and for us to do;
That by thee we'll stand thou canst rest assured."

 Drink deep, my lads! Sing out in glee!
Come, lads, tune up the psaltery!
With your ringing music drive away care,
Bring cheer to our host and his lady fair!


 Over Moscow the great and golden-domed,  
O'er the Kremlin walls, o'er its white stone walls,
Rises early morn in its crimson robes.
From beyond the hills comes the early morn,
And it steals o'er the housetops playfully,
And it drives off the clouds relentlessly.
Its gold tresses the morn o'er the blue skies spreads,
And its face it bathes in the snows so white,
Like a proud young beauty in a looking glass
It beholds itself in the heavens clear.
Why art thou awake, crimson morn so bright?
Why dost thou rejoice, early morn so fresh?

 From the whole of ancient Moscow-town
Came the fighters bold, came the fighters brave,
For the fisticuffs on the holiday
Gathered they by the frozen Moskva Stream.
And the Tsar himself with his retinue,
His oprichniks all and his boyars came,
And he bade them stretch a long silver chain,
A long silver chain soldered fast with gold,
And to measure off on the river ice
A large open place for the sporting match.
Then the mighty Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich
Bade his heralds call out in ringing tones:
"Come ye forth, brave lads, come ye forth and fight
For to please the good Tsar, our father own!
Come ye forward, do, to the boxing ring;
Him who wins the match the Tsar will reward,
Him who loses it the Lord will forgive!"

'Thout a word Kiribeyevich now stepped forth,
Bowed he low to the Tsar and silently,
From his shoulders his velvet coat he flung,
His right hand on his hip he proudly placed,
With his hand his crimson hat set straight,
Stood he waiting so for a challenger....
Once, and twice, and thrice rang the heralds' cry,
But the fighting men, doughty fellows all,
Only nudged each other and never stirred.

 Round the ring the oprichnik audacious walks,
To his rivals he calls disdainfully:
"Why so timid, ye men, why so thoughtful, say?
With your lives, ne'er you fear, I will let you off,
Give you time I will to repent your sins,
Only let us fight and amuse the Tsar."

 Of a sudden the crowd it silent parts,
And the merchant Stepan Paramonovich
Of the name and house of Kalashnikov
Steps he boldly forth for all eyes to see.
First Stepan Paramonovich bows to the Tsar,
To the Kremlin then and its churches all,
To the Russian folk bows he afterward.
Like a falcon's eyes so his eyes they burn,
On the young oprichnik he rivets them,
And before him his stand takes loftily.
Now, he pulls on his gauntlets, his fighting gloves,
And his mighty shoulders he proudly squares,
And his curly beard strokes he languidly.

 The oprichnik then spoke, and this he said:
"Tell me, valiant youth, of what house thou art
And what name is thine, speak and tell me plain,
For how otherwise will I know, my lad,
Over whom the priests are to chant their prayers,
And how I'm to boast of my victory."

 And Stepan Paramonovich answered thus:
"By the name of Kalashnikov am I known,
Twas an honest man that did father me,
By the Lord's commands have I ever lived:
Never brought disgrace on another's wife,
Never stalked, a thief, in the dark of night,
Never hid myself from the light of day....
Thou hast said a truthful word and just:
Over one of us will the priests they chant,
On the morrow, at noon, and no later, mind,
At a merry feast with his comrades bold,
One of us will boast of his victory.
Not in jest or sport, for the folk to watch,
Do I challenge thee, thou infidel's son,
But to wage a fight to the bitter end!"

 At the merchant's speech, Kiribeyevich
Turned he nigh as grey as the snow of spring,
And his sparkling eye darkened all at once,
Down his mighty back ran a sudden chill,
On his parted lips froze his words, unsaid....

 Now the rivals two, silent, moved apart,
Thout another sound did the fight commence.

Kiribeyevich was the first to strike;
His gloved hand he waved and a crushing blow
Struck the merchant brave on his mighty chest.
And Stepan Paramonovich staggered and reeled;
On his breast there dangled a copper cross
With a relic from holy Kiev-town,
And this cross bit deep into his firm flesh,
And like dew the blood from beneath it dripped.
And he said to himself, said the merchant brave:
"What is fated to be is bound to be;
For the truth will I stand to the very end!"
And he steadied himself as he made to strike,
And he gathered his strength and with all his force
Fetched his hated rival a round-arm blow,
Hit him full he did on the side of the head.

 And the young oprichnik he softly moaned,
And he swayed and dropped to the icy ground,
To the icy ground like a pine he fell,
Like a slender pine in a wintry grove
By an axe cut down at the very roots....
To the ground he fell, and he lay there, dead.
 At this fearful sight was the Christian Tsar
Overcome by a blinding rage and fierce,
And he knit his brows, and he stamped his foot,
And he bade his men seize the merchant bold,
And to bring the knave 'fore his face at once.

 Said the mighty Tsar Ivan Vassilyevich:
"Answer honestly, for I want the truth:
Was't with full intent or against thy will
Thou hast coldly slain my most trusted man,
My oprichnik, my Kiribeyevich?"

 "I will tell thee true, o most righteous Tsar:
With intent have I slain thy trusted man;
But I'll tell thee not wherefore did I this,
To the Lord alone will I this disclose....
Have me put to death; bid me place my head
On the butcher's block for the axe to smite;
But I pray thee, Tsar, to my widowed wife
And my children dear show thou clemency,
To my brothers two be thou merciful."

'"Tis a right good thing, my brave lad and true,
And is well for thee, honest merchantman,
That so truthfully thou hast answered me.
To thy orphans young and thy widowed wife
From my treasury I'll allot a share.
And throughout the length and the breadth, my lad,
Of the Russian realm shall thy brothers two
From this day and on trade 'thout tithe or tax.
As for thee, brave heart, on the block shalt thou
Thy wild head lay down by the Tsar's command;
I will have the blade made keen and sharp,
I will have the headsman wear fine, rich dress,
The great bell for thee will I bid them ring
That all Moscow-town, all the folk might know
That thy Tsar to thee of his goodwill gave..."

To the market square the good townsfolk stream,
The bell's mournful knell o'er it, booming, floats,
Throughout Moscow-town evil tidings spreads.
On high ground the wooden scaffold rears;
In his scarlet blouse with its jeweled links
Does the headsman strut in front of the crowd
And await his victim right merrily.
His axe is well honed and made keen and sharp,
And he rubs his hands in open glee....
And the stouthearted merchant Kalashnikov
Bids his brothers farewell and embraces them.

"O my brothers own, dear are you to me!
Let me hold you close, let us now embrace,
For 'tis soon you and I will forever part....
Bow you low to my wife Alyona Dmitrevna,
Bow you low 'fore the house of our parents dear,
Bow you low to our friends and kinsmen all,
And then pray for me in the holy church,
For your brother pray and his sinful soul!"

And the merchant brave he was put to death,
'Twas a cruel death and a shameful one:
O'er him high the headsman raised his axe,
And his head rolled down from the bloody block.

 Beyond Moskva Stream they buried him,
In the wide, open field where three roads meet:
To Tula, Ryazan and Vladimir towns;
O'er his grave a mound of damp earth they heaped,
And on that they set a maplewood cross,
And the boisterous winds cannot be stilled,
O'er his nameless grave they sing and play.
By the grave the good folk pass they do:
When an old man goes by, he crosses himself;
When a young man goes by, his shoulders he squares;
When a young maid goes by, she heaves a sigh;
When a minstrel goes by, he sings a song.

        * * *

Ho, ye brave lads and true,
The makers of song,
Ye whose voices ring merry and loud and strong!
You began right well, and so end you must;
Sing in praise of the worthy, the honest and just!
     To the freehanded boyar, glory and fame!
     To his lovely lady, glory and fame!
     And to all Christian folk, fame and glory!




Vértigo (Fall)  ☝スペイン語吹き替え版

公開 アメリカ合衆国の旗 2022年8月12日
日本の旗 2023年2月3日

Para Becky y Hunter, la vida trata de superar tus miedos y empujar tus límites. Sin embargo, después de subir hasta la cima de una torre de comunicaciones abandonada, se encuentran atrapadas y sin forma de bajar. A 600 metros del suelo y totalmente alejadas de la civilización, las chicas pondrán a prueba sus habilidades de escaladoras expertas y lucharán desesperadamente por sobrevivir aunque lo tengan todo en contra. 

01:41:59,540 --> 01:42:01,030
<i>La vida es efímera.</i>

01:42:01,980 --> 01:42:05,420
<i>La vida es corta,
demasiado corta.</i>

01:42:05,540 --> 01:42:08,560
<i>Así que tienes que
aprovechar cada momento.</i>

01:42:08,980 --> 01:42:11,910
<i>Tienes que hacer algo
que te haga sentir con vida,</i>

01:42:12,240 --> 01:42:16,470
<i>y esa mierda,
que se difunda dicho mensaje...</i>

01:42:16,590 --> 01:42:19,170
<i>a lo largo y ancho.</i>


El pato Donald: Los tres caballeros 三人の騎士 The Three Caballeros

 公開 メキシコの旗 1944年12月31日
アメリカ合衆国の旗 1945年2月3日
日本の旗 1959年3月18日

Release dates
  • December 21, 1944 (Mexico City)
  • February 3, 1945 (United States)

El gallo Panchito, el loro José Carioca y el pato Donald protagonizan esta comedia musical en la que se combinan personajes reales con dibujos animados. Mucho ritmo, chicas guapas y diversión son los principales ingredientes.



Un golpe de altura ペントハウス Tower Heist

公開 アメリカ合衆国の旗 2011年11月4日
日本の旗 2012年2月3日

Fecha de lanzamiento

    Estados Unidos 24 de octubre de 2011 (New York City, New York, premiere)

    España 4 de noviembre de 2011

    Japón 3 de febrero de 2012

También conocido como

    (título original) Tower Heist

    Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay Robo en las alturas

    Japan Penthouse (English)

    Japan ペントハウス

    Russia Как украсть небоскреб

    Spain Un golpe de altura

    United States Trump Heist (Working Title)

    United States Untitled Brett Ratner Project (Working Title)

Países de origen

    Estados Unidos, Japón


    Inglés, Español. Chino

Localizaciones del rodaje

    Trump International Hotel & Tower, 1 Central Park West, Manhattan, Nueva York, Nueva York, Estados Unidos

Un multimillonario sin escrúpulos (Alan Alda) ha estafado a sus empleados dejándolos sin blanca. Éstos, encabezados por el gerente del edificio (Ben Stiller) en el que vive, deciden vengarse atracando su vivienda, un apartamento de lujo situado en el ático de uno de los rascacielos de la ciudad.






Daniíl Jarms murió (1942 Дании́л Хармс ダニイル・ハルムス) / De amor y de sombras アルゼンチン公開 (1995) Pagaré por hacer lo que tengo que hacer. 覚悟 / Bad Boys 日本公開 (1985) entre la miseria y el caos, ¡Esto no es para reírse! /

☝️ De amor y de sombras 57m58s

Fecha de lanzamiento

    Japón 26 de septiembre de 1994 (Tokyo Film Festival)

    Argentina 2 de febrero de 1995

    España 22 de febrero de 1995

    Finlandia 16 de junio de 1995

    Japón 21 de octubre de 1995

    Estados Unidos 10 de mayo de 1996

También conocido como

    (título original) Of Love and Shadows

    Argentina De amor y de sombras

    Finland Rakkaus ja varjo

    Finland Kärlek och skugga (Swedish)

    Japan 愛の奴隷

    Russia Любовь и мрак

    Spain De amor y de sombras

    United States Of Love and Shadows

Irene Beltrán, una joven y ambiciosa reportera, pasa todos su días entregada plenamente a su revista, intentando olvidar la oscura realidad de lo que ocurre en su Chile natal. Durante un reportaje en el que trabaja con un apasionado fotógrafo, ambos son testigos de un espantoso crimen... descubriendo la verdadera cara criminal y la brutalidad del espantoso régimen chileno.  

2 の 12
00:01:31,080 --> 00:01:33,389
Pagaré por hacer lo que tengo que hacer.

00:55:12,570 --> 00:55:15,004
I'll pay for doing
what I must do.


Daniil Ivánovich Jarms (en idioma ruso, Дании́л Ива́нович Хармс; nombre de nacimiento: Дании́л Ива́нович Ювачёв, transcrito Daniíl Ivánovich Yuvachóv; 30 de diciembre de 1905 - 2 de febrero de 1942) es un escritor vanguardista ruso que desarrolló su obra entre 1925 y 1941. Fundador del grupo de vanguardia Oberiú (1928). Autor de relatos y piezas teatrales absurdistas, convertidas en obras de culto (sobre todo después de la Perestroika). En vida prácticamente solo publicó poemas infantiles y algún cuento para niños: hoy es considerado un clásico de la literatura infantil.


ダニイル・ハルムス(Дании́л Хармс; Daniil Kharms, 1905年12月30日(ユリウス暦 12月17日) – 1942年2月2日)は、ソ連初期の シュルレアリスト、不条理詩人。戯曲や児童文学などの創作を行い、不条理文学の先駆者として注目されている。本名ダニイル・イヴァーノヴィチ・ユヴァチョフ(Дании́л Ива́нович Ювачёв; Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachov)。署名はラテン文字化した Daniel Charms を使用した。 


Bad Boys



公開 アメリカ合衆国の旗 1983年3月25日
日本の旗 1985年2月2日

Fecha de lanzamiento

    Estados Unidos 25 de marzo de 1983

    Finlandia 27 de enero de 1984

    Japón 2 de febrero de 1985

También conocido como

    (título original) Bad Boys
    Brazil Juventude em Fúria
    Japan バッド・ボーイズ

    Mexico Escuela del crimen (video box title)

    Mexico Reformatorio

    Soviet Union Плохие мальчики

    Spain Bad Boys

    Uruguay Bad Boys: Mala calaña (original subtitled version)

    World-wide Bad Boys

El problema de la delincuencia juvenil en EEUU a través de la historia de unos jóvenes que crecieron entre la miseria y el caos, pero será en la cárcel donde aprendan las reglas del juego. Las calles de Chicago son el escenario de la violencia que enfrenta a las bandas rivales y a la policía. Uno de los miembros más duros de la banda protagonista es Mick O'Brien, un joven que ya ha cumplido varias condenas. Mientras es perseguido por la policía, Mick mata accidentalmente al hermano pequeño de su implacable enemigo Paco. Ya en la cárcel, vive sumergido en un mundo dominado por el miedo y la intimidación, pero tendrá una oportunidad para escapar de la espiral de violencia y odio.

00:56:27,582 --> 00:56:29,624
Hey, look, this is
nothing to laugh at.

00:56:30,794 --> 00:56:32,128
¡Esto no es para reírse!





私は貝になりたい ソ連公開 (1963) Я хочу стать устрицей - I Want to Be a Shellfish - Watashi wa kai ni naritai - Quiero ser una almeja / Notas tu debilidad y fragilidad. (Worth 2021) You realize how weak and fragile you are. 無力 - 儚さ / castizo / La zona de interés 関心領域 (2023 The Zone of Interest) Martin Amis

☝Worth (2021)

00:01:03,180 --> 00:01:05,520
You realize how weak
and fragile you are.

00:01:03,438 --> 00:01:05,507
Notas tu debilidad y fragilidad.

hablar un español castizo 正しいスペイン語を話す (研究社)





初公開: 1958年10月31日

Fecha de lanzamiento

También conocido como

En un pacífico día de posguerra en Japón, Shimizu Toyomatsu, barbero y buen padre y esposo, es arrestado repentinamente por la Policía de la Prefectura como criminal de guerra y demandado por asesinato.

On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder. According to the accusation by GHQ, Toyomatsu "attemped to kill a US prisoner", which was nothing but an order by his superior and failed after all with hurting the prisoner by weak Toyomatsu. Also, Toyomatsu was driven to corner at the trial by the fact that he fed the US prisoner some burdock roots to nourish him. Toyomatsu believes nothing but being not guilty, but he is sentenced to death by hanging. Prior to the execution, Toyomatsu writes a long farewell letter to his family, the wife and the only son: "If I ever incarnate, I hate to be a human being any more.... Oh yes, I would like to be...a shellfish living on the rock-bottom of the sea."

スクリーンに映し出されるのは、どこにでもある穏やかな日常。しかし、壁ひとつ隔てたアウシュビッツ収容所の存在が、音、建物からあがる煙、家族の交わすなにげない会話や視線、そして気配から着実に伝わってくる。その時に観客が感じるのは恐怖か、不安か、それとも無関心か? 壁を隔てたふたつの世界にどんな違いがあるのか?平和に暮らす家族と彼らにはどんな違いがあるのか?そして、あなたと彼らの違いは?

Esta novela demuestra una vez más que a Martin Amis no le tiembla el pulso a la hora de abordar temas controvertidos. Después de la demoledora Lionel Asbo. El estado de Inglaterra, que levantó ampollas por su crudo retrato de lo peor de la sociedad británica, el autor regresa al nazismo y al Holocausto, que ya había tratado en La flecha del tiempo. Y lo hace desde un ángulo cuando menos sorprendente, cediendo la palabra a los verdugos, y sin renunciar a incomodar al lector con ciertos toques de comedia negra. Golo, un joven oficial sobrino del jerarca nazi Martin Bormann, llega a un campo de exterminio para trabajar en la puesta en marcha de una fábrica con mano de obra esclava. Seductor nato, no tarda en quedar prendado de Hannah, la esposa del comandante del campo, el grotesco Paul Doll. Y a este triángulo se une una cuarta pieza, el Sonderkommando Szmul, es decir, uno de esos judíos que colaboraban con los verdugos. Con la maquinaria de la crueldad como telón de fondo, la novela desarrolla una historia de amor y celos entre funcionarios de la barbarie. Es el marco para indagar en el horror y preguntarse: ¿qué sucede cuando descubrimos quiénes somos en realidad? ¿Cómo podemos llegar a aceptar las consecuencias de nuestros actos? Envuelta en la polémica y rechazada por algunos de los editores habituales de Martin Amis, incómodos con sus planteamientos, La Zona de Interés ha recibido sin embargo una extraordinaria acogida crítica en Estados unidos y Gran Bretaña, donde ha sido saludada como una de sus obras mayores.

La zona de interés (novela)

Es un tipo castizo. あいつはいい奴だ。(クラウン西和辞典) (人柄が)気取りのない、気さくな



El recuperador レポマン Repo Man 日本公開 (1987 El recobrador) no le pie ayuda a nadie, se las arregla solo / Danton (1983) Andrzej Wajda / heaven-sent /



 El recuperador レポマン Repo Man (El recobrador)

 公開 アメリカ合衆国の旗 1984年3月2日
日本の旗 1987年1月31日

Otto, un joven que acaba de perder su trabajo, decide que quiere vivir todo tipo de aventuras. Casualmente, se verá implicado en una investigación del gobierno sobre una extraña sustancia que provoca extraños efectos en aquellos que la observan...  


 ☟heaven-sent surprise (Salome 1953) 本日のFC2





Fecha de lanzamiento

Francia 12 de enero de 1983

Polonia 31 de enero de 1983

Japón 11 de febrero de 1984

Finlandia 2 de marzo de 1984

公開フランスの旗 1983年1月12日
ポーランドの旗 1983年1月31日
日本の旗 1984年2月11日
En septiembre de 1793, el Comité de Salud Pública, instigado por Robespierre, instaura el "Terror". El hambre reaparece y con ella la revuelta: las cabezas ruedan. Danton regresa a París para oponerse a Robespierre: es el choque entre dos políticos irreconciliables, entre dos fuertes personalidades. La película narra los últimos días de Georges-Jacques Danton: su proceso y su ejecución en la guillotina, junto a sus amigos, por orden del autoritario y dogmático Robespierre.





Camilo José Cela 闘牛士になることを欲したが、単なるノーベル賞作家になってしまった男 


酔っ払いチンパンジーのワインホルダー / Boozy Chimp Bottle HolderFRP 耐水 軽い 強い 屋外用塗装 ガーデンファニチャー 置物 インテリア オブジェ 送料無料
価格:55660円(税込、送料別) (2022/11/15時点)

検索 Amazon


ブランド: ロゴヴィスタ
プラットフォーム : Windows, Macintosh


me está gustando

Iberismo = ¿España + Portugal? イベリア

a conciencia


Nunca es tarde para aprender ≒ You're never too old to learn

¿Ardes de curiosidad intelectual? 知的好奇心は燃え盛っていますか 


  ☝Papusza パプーシャの黒い瞳 (2013)

英語対面特訓御希望の方も Ernesto Mr. T へ。右上の連絡フォームよりどうぞ。(スマホの方はウェブバージョンに切り替えると連絡フォームが現われます。)☞

La alegría de la huerta

ここ3~4日に拙ブログへの visitas ページビュー audiencia があった(España スペイン 及び Japón 日本以外からの)地域(国々) ☞ Alemania ドイツ、Singapur シンガポール、Austria オーストリア、Estados Unidos アメリカ合州国Hong Kong 香港、México メキシコ、Bangladesh バングラデシュ、Reino Unido イギリス、Corea del Sur 韓国、Israel イスラエル,China 中国、Ucrania ウクライナ、Canadá カナダ、Groenlandia グリーンランド、Australia オーストラリア、Camboya カンボジア、Liechtenstein リヒテンシュタイン、India インド、Mónaco モナコ、Rusia ロシア、Rumania ルーマニア、Panamá パナマ,Montenegro モンテネグロ、Turquía トルコ、Suecia スウェーデン、Marruecos モロッコ、Polonia ポーランド、Albania アルバニア、Irán イラン,Suiza スイス、Bahamas バハマ、Taiwan 台湾、Portugal ポルトガル、Arabia Saudí サウジアラビア、Eslovaquia スロバキア、Egipto エジプト、Sri Lanka スリランカ、Francia フランス、Kazajstán カザフスタン、Malta マルタ、Finlandia フィンランド、Armenia アルメニア、Nueva Zelanda ニュージーランド、Georgia ジョージア、Dinamarca デンマーク、Serbia セルビア、Luxemburgo ルクセンブルク、etc.



MP3付 しっかり学ぼう!外国語としてのスペイン語検定

Y-0888 言語学大辞典 7巻セット(第1巻~6巻+別巻) 三省堂 世界言語編 補遺言語名索引編 術語編 世界文字辞典 定価約30万円

¿autocomplacencia?  独習(独りよがりの葛藤)ではなかなか進歩(成長)し難いのは、自分の欠点は自分で解らない(ir servido)からです。 Ernesto Mr. T との対面レッスンで確実な進歩(成長)を(45年以上の指導実績)。70分3千円/100分4千円と破格。西語特訓受講生好評受付中(右の連絡フォームで) 👉

☝En este mundo (In This World) 6m23s

(¡初心者はもちろん、profesores de bisutería に飽きた方、過去に挫折経験のある方も是非再チャレンジを! ¿Quieres refrescar tu español?) オンライン・レッスンは効果が少ないので実施しておりません。


🔥¡対面特訓 clase presencial でスペイン語を五感に染み込ませましょう! La letra con sangre entra. 🔥 70分3000円/100分4000円(各自に合わせたオリジナル・テキスト代含む) precio acomodado - Esta clase por ese precio es una verdadera adquisión (この授業料で この内容とは 正に掘り出し物: 生徒さんから頂いた言葉)知多半島内,常滑市近辺限定 「自由の言語」スペイン語で人生を活性化。La vida es no más que un juego. 右上の連絡フォームよりどうぞ。(スマホの方はウェブバージョンに切り替えると連絡フォームが現われます。)

👆 「早ければ早いほど良い」とハンフリー・ボガート。日本の暗闇を早く抜け出しましょう。La Senda Tenebrosa [DVD]潜行者 [Blu-ray]



スペインおよびスペイン語のことなら Ernesto Mr. T へ。右上の連絡フォームよりどうぞ。(スマホの方はウェブバージョンに切り替えると連絡フォームが現われます。)☞

Ernesto Mr. T のレッスンで語学を鍛え旅に出ましょう。世界があなたを待っています。

☝826 Vanity Fair 2004
01:09:37,500 --> 01:09:39,400
Nada apagará su fuego.

Vivir por comleto su vida 満ち足りた人生 live one's life all the way up

☝Ernesto Mr. T の楽しいスペイン語レッスンを受講すれば、あなたもこう呟くでしょう。(「人生損してた」) 。Hasta pronto.


Relájate y aprenda español con Ernesto Mr. T.