
Adiós, Hola さようなら、今日は Goodbye, Hello (1959) / Vamos a toros en Jaén 闘牛 / 追憶の東京──異国の時を旅する The Bells of Old Tokyo: Travels in Japanese Time




あなたと私の合言葉 さようなら、今日は [ 若尾文子 ]
価格:2200円(税込、送料無料) (2020/10/13時点)


アンナ・シャーマン 『追憶の東京 異国の時を旅する
江戸時代から戦後にかけての東京の歴史をめぐり、作家は東京の各所を訪ね歩く。史跡を訪ね、人物に聞き取りをし、古い文献を紐解きながら、現代日本人も知らない東京の姿を〈再発見〉していく。イギリスの女性作家による、都市の記録と記憶をめぐるエッセイ。吉井智津訳(早川書房) The Bells of Old Tokyo: Travels in Japanese Time


As read on BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week' Shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the Year Award Longlisted for the RSL Ondaatje Prize 'Sherman's is a special book. Every sentence, every thought she has, every question she asks, every detail she notices, offers something. The Bells of Old Tokyo is a gift . . . It is a masterpiece.' Spectator For over 300 years, Japan closed itself to outsiders, developing a remarkable and unique culture. During its period of isolation, the inhabitants of the city of Edo, later known as Tokyo, relied on its public bells to tell the time. In her remarkable book, Anna Sherman tells of her search for the bells of Edo, exploring the city of Tokyo and its inhabitants and the individual and particular relationship of Japanese culture - and the Japanese language - to time, tradition, memory, impermanence and history. Through Sherman's journeys around the city and her friendship with the owner of a small, exquisite cafe, who elevates the making and drinking of coffee to an art-form, The Bells of Old Tokyo presents a series of hauntingly memorable voices in the labyrinth that is the metropolis of the Japanese capital: An aristocrat plays in the sea of ashes left by the Allied firebombing of 1945. A scientist builds the most accurate clock in the world, a clock that will not lose a second in five billion years. A sculptor eats his father's ashes while the head of the house of Tokugawa reflects on the destruction of his grandfather's city ('A lost thing is lost. To chase it leads to darkness'). The result is a book that not only engages with the striking otherness of Japanese culture like no other, but that also marks the arrival of a dazzling new writer as she presents an absorbing and alluring meditation on life through an exploration of a great city and its people

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