

World map, image from sxc.huv
World map. Image from Sxc.huv.
Candidates for the Nobel Prize
Every year, new scientists, authors and peace activists are awarded the Nobel Prize and get the world's attention. Behind this lies a lot of work, based on a system of nominations, where thousands of skilled people have submitted candidates for the prizes. But how do you nominate a person for a Nobel Prize, say in Physics?
arrow Read about the nomination process

One Step Closer to the Prize
In his last will and testament, Alfred Nobel specifically designated the institutions responsible for the prizes he wished to be established: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry, Karolinska Institutet for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize. When all nominations are registered and controlled, the institutions can start their work.
arrow 15 questions and answers about the nomination work for the Medicine Prize
Nobel Medal. Registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation.
Nobel Medal. ®© The Nobel Foundation.

50 Year's Secrecy
All information concerning the nominations and selections of the Nobel Laureates is kept secret for 50 years, but then the information about the nominators, nominees, investigations and opinions concerning the award is public, and can be found in the nomination archive database at Nobelprize.org.
arrow Explore the nomination archive

Aiming for a Nobel Prize
Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements, and many researchers aim for the award. Barry Marshall, 2005 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, thinks that the award and everything surrounding it was a "wonderful thing", but advises researchers not to aim for it.
arrow Listen to Barry Marshall
Medicine Laureate Barry Marshall
Medicine Laureate Barry Marshall.

Announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize
Announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize.
New Prizes - New Nobel Laureates
Early in October this year's Nobel Laureates will be announced. Watch the live webcast from the press conferences on Nobelprize.org, and listen to interviews with the new Laureates. If you want up-to-the-minute news - join us on Twitter.
arrow The official Twitter feed of the Nobel Prize

Monthly Quiz
Awarded Posthumously
Before 1974, it was possible to nominate someone for a posthumous Nobel Prize, a possibility that does not exist today. Two times in history a Laureate has been awarded posthumously. One of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates was awarded the prize after his death - whom? Make a guess and click to submit your answer.