60年近く前、木造の建物でした。Hace 58 - 59 años. Ernesto Mr. T は向かって左端です。幼稚園とか保育園では無く「幼児学級」というものでありました。
動画:一斉休校で孫の世話、祖父母に新型コロナ感染リスク スペイン
Pd. スペイン、非常事態宣言へ「新型コロナウイルス感染1万人超えの恐れ」
España, en estado de alarma
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, los soldados finlandeses Rokka, Kariluoto, Koskela y Hietanen luchan junto a sus compañeros de armas en el frente. La camaradería, el humor y el deseo de sobrevivir unirán a todos los hombres en este camino de ida y -quizá- vuelta. La guerra revolucionará tanto a los soldados como a los supervivientes, y dejará su huella en toda la nación... Adaptación de la novela de 1954 "El soldado desconocido" del autor finlandés Väinö Linna. Narra las visicitudes del conflicto bélico en el frente entre los rusos y los finlandeses, desde el punto de vista de los soldados escandinavos.
The Unknown Soldier (Finnish: Tuntematon sotilas, Swedish: Okänd soldat) or Unknown Soldiers is a war novel by Finnish author Väinö Linna, considered his magnum opus. Published in 1954, The Unknown Soldier chronicles the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union during 1941–1944 from the viewpoint of ordinary Finnish soldiers. In 2000, the manuscript version of the novel was published with the title Sotaromaani ("the war novel") and in 2015, the latest English translation as Unknown Soldiers. A fictional account based closely on Linna's own experiences during the war, the novel presented a more realistic outlook on the formerly romanticized image of a noble and obedient Finnish soldier. Linna gave his characters independent and critical thoughts, and presented them with human feelings, such as fear and rebellion.
Although published to mixed reviews, The Unknown Soldier quickly became one of the best-selling books in Finland and is considered both a classic in Finnish literature and a part of the national legacy. The novel was well received by frontline veterans; it shot Linna to literary fame and has been described as creating a shift in the collective memory of the war. It has sold nearly 800,000 units, been translated into 20 different languages and adapted into three films with the latest one released in 2017.