
ノーベル賞月報6月号(Discoveries in the Human Brain)

人間の脳。Descubrimientos en el cerebro humano.

JUNE 2018

Brain power. By Allan Ajifo, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Discoveries in the human brain
Great pioneers of brain research
Science is only just beginning to understand the brain's remarkable form of 'software' - the way it works as a whole to enable us to live and think - but an amazing series of Nobel Prize-awarded scientific breakthroughs have given us insight into its 'hardware'.

Arvid Carlsson.
Understanding our minds
The 2000 Medicine Prize rewarded three scientists who deciphered the signalling pathways that regulate some of the brain's most important functions. One of them, Arvid Carlsson, found a way to treat Parkinson's disease.

Discovered the brain's GPS
John O'Keefe, 2014 Medicine Laureate, was fascinated by the problem of how the brain controls behaviour. Here he talks about his early days in neuroscience and how he discovered the brain's 'place cells' that build up an inner map of the environment.

John O'Keefe.

Torsten Wiesel.
Decoding messages from the eye
Medicine Laureates David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel studied the visual process and disclosed the most well-guarded secret of the brain: the way brain cells decode messages from the eyes.

"Get your sleep. Your brain will thank you"
Oliver Smithies received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2007 for his work related to principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by using embryonic stem cells. Here, he shares some wise thoughts.
Oliver Smithies.

Monthly Quiz
Literature Laureates and languages
The left side of the brain is normally specialised in taking care of analytical and verbal tasks. How many languages do you think are represented among the 114 Nobel Laureates in Literature? Click to submit your answer.

Arvid Carlsson.

基本スペイン語☞ノーベル賞受賞者 ganadores del Premio Nobel