
ノーベル賞月報 8月号 Sensing the World around Us

ノーベル賞について 少し勉強するのも良いでしょう。Ernesto Mr. T のところには 毎月月報が届きます。皆様も 今月号を 御楽しみください。


Medicine Laureates David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel studied the visual process and disclosed the most well guarded secret of the brain: the way brain cells decode messages from the eyes.
arrow Listen to Torsten Wiesel explain his research

The sounds we can hear are caused by changes of pressure in the air that is transformed into nerve impulses in the inner ear. Nobel Laureate Georg von Békésy's research helped us to understand the hearing process.
Girl with headphones

Nobel Banquet Dessert
Photo: Helena Paulin-Strömberg
The Nobel Banquet is an event many would give a fortune to attend, not only for the festivities, but for the food. The menus provide an interesting culinary history during the past 100 years, from consommés to the Nobel Gala ice cream parfait.

The sense of smell long remained the most enigmatic of our senses. The basic principles for recognizing and remembering the vast amount of different odours were not understood. But Richard Axel and Linda Buck solved the problem, and in a series of pioneering studies, clarified how our olfactory system works.

A sweet caress, the first kiss ... We all have fond memories of touch, although they are only perceptions resulting from activation of neural receptors. Nevertheless, impressions from our senses have resulted in lovely music and poetry during the ages.
The Scent of Memory
Our perception of the world is based on how our brain receives and processes various messages, including our sense of smell. Approximately how many different odours do we recognize and form memories of? Make a guess and click to submit your answer.

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