
Minority languages 少数言語についてもっと考えましょう。Lenguas minoritarias

授業で次のような英文を扱いました。2000年の Newsweek 誌に掲載された The Sounds of Silence を元に簡略化したものです。

以前お話した Eyak <http://ernesto-mr-t.blogspot.jp/2012/09/eyak.htmlも、その一部です。

  Today, there are thousands of dying languages in the world.  As for 426 of them, only a small number of elderly people speak them.  As for 52 of the dying languages, just one native speaker is alive.  
  Is the death of languages a thing to care about?  Some people believe that diversity in languages has done a lot of harm to human beings.  In the Congo, for instance, where more than 200 languages are spoken, people have often 
suffered from civil wars.  Imagine all of the Congo's 50 million people speaking the same language.  There might be no war.
  Other people are opposed to that opinion.  They sayspeaking different languages doesn't cause wars.  If people are ready to accept other peoples' ways of living and thinking, there might be no war.
  The death of languages is not good for the health and happiness of human beings.  When a language dies, useful information about local plants and animals dies with it.  Many modern medicines have come from such information.
  Globalization is probably helping to cause the death of languages.  English, especially, is becoming increasingly important all over the world, while languages of small minorities are likely to die.  But languages, unlike people, can be brought back to life.
  The last fluent speaker of Miami died in the 1960s, but Daryl Baldwin has revived the language.  In his early twenties, when he was a university student, he came across his ancestral language.  He taught himself the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of Miami, and then he brought the language into his home.
  Now the Baldwins have a rule.  Whenever possible, they speak only Miami among themselves.  About 80 percent of the vocabulary his 3-year-old daughter has is Miami.  Other Miami people are joining Baldwin's effort, doing things like producing a CD-ROM to teach Miami to children.
  It is, however, very difficult for a few individuals to fully revive a language.  Governments need to help them.
  In the past, some Western governments helped to silence hundreds of languages.  The Australian government, for example, attempted to “civilize” the Aborigines by giving them Western schooling and forcing them to use English.  Likewise, in the United States, Native Americans were forced to use nothing but English.
  In recent years, however, the trend has been reversed.  In Australia, the government is now helping to revive Aboriginal languages.  Kaurna, a language that died out in 1927, is now taught in university, and 50 people can speak it fluently.
  But for such success stories, many languages are in danger.  


 今ではボールドウィン家の人びとは、1つの規則を守っています。可能なときはいつでも、自分たちの間ではマイアミ語だけを話すというものです。3歳の娘の語彙の約80パーセントはマイアミ語です。マイアミ族の他の人たちも、子どもたちにマイアミ語を教えるためのCD-ROMを作るなどして, ボールドウィンの努力に参加しています。


ご意見、ご質問等ございましたら、<ernestotaju@yahoo.co.jp> へ。


【送料無料】先住民族言語のために [ 金子亨 ]
【送料無料】先住民族言語のために [ 金子亨 ]