まずは、前回の問題の模範 [ ? ] 解答を載せておきます。
1. ① Royal ② Ladies ③ Prize ④ attention ⑤ questions ⑥ comedian ⑦ moments ⑧ fact ⑨ imagine ⑩ until ⑪ shouted ⑫ grip ⑬ understood ⑭ truly ⑮ threat
2. 腕時計の紐(バンド・ベルト)が切れてしまい、腕時計が床に落ちた。
3. ㋐ インタビューが多すぎて私は自ら考える能力を無くしてしまったと感じ始めている。 ㋑ カエサル大帝は、エジプトに上陸したとき、濡れた岸辺で顔から大の字に倒れてしまった。
4. I hold what I have
5. あ、い [ 答えは1つとは限りません。]
6. on the way to
7. a、d [ 答えは1つとは限りません。]
6. on the way to
7. a、d [ 答えは1つとは限りません。]
次に、V. S. Naipaul についての解説を少々。
ビディアダハル・スラヤプラサド・ナイポール Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, (born 17 August 1932) is a Trinidadian-British writer. Best known for his novels focusing on the legacy of the British Empire's colonialism, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001 "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories." He has also written several travel books. He has been called "a master of modern English prose." コミカルな作風です。 In 2008, The Times ranked Naipaul seventh on their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945". ( このブログの2012年4月8日日曜日の「英国現代作家ベスト50」のことです。 ) 1990年には文学への貢献により貴族の称号SIRをも授与されています。Knight なのです。
最後に、Ernesto Mr. T が気に入っている V. S. Naipaul の言葉を四つほど載せておきます。
“Most people are not really free. They are confined by the niche in the world that they carve out for themselves. They limit themselves to fewer possibilities by the narrowness of their vision.”
"The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves." ( In a Free State )
"His ignorance seemed to widen with everything he read." ( Half a Life )
Everybody is interesting for an hour, but few people can last more than two. ( 今回 英語の Quiz にした Banquet Speech は短くて、面白かったですね。 )
"The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves." ( In a Free State )
"His ignorance seemed to widen with everything he read." ( Half a Life )
Everybody is interesting for an hour, but few people can last more than two. ( 今回 英語の Quiz にした Banquet Speech は短くて、面白かったですね。 )