
Shaka Zulú murió (1828) / understatements / cut to the chase / Rogue Male 公開 (1976 ヒトラー暗殺計画 Lejos de la manada) pícaro / pájaros 鳥で試合中断 / Albarracín: la fiesta ancestral / ¿Quién ganará el premio Nobel? (literatura)

2001年の「ズールー大戦争SHAKA ZULU: THE CITADEL には 以下のような台詞が出て来ます。英国人36m29s

英国人 understatements

Shaka (1787-22 de septiembre de 1828), también conocido como Shaka Zulú, nombre con el que suele aparecer con mayor frecuencia en los libros de historia, fue un jefe tribal zulú que a principios del siglo XIX inició un proceso que transformó a la pequeña tribu zulú en la nación guerrera más poderosa de África que se enfrentó con éxito al avance del Imperio británico desde el cabo de Buena Esperanza. 

シャカ(ズールー語: Shaka、1787年 - 1828年9月22日)は、ズールー王国初代国王(在位:1816年 - 1828年)。南部アフリカの一部族であったズールー族を南アフリカの大半の部分を支配する一大国家へと導いた指導者である。彼の軍事力と戦略、敵を殲滅し生存者を部族に同化させていく力量は、ズールー族の中でも抜きん出たものがあった。 


 控えめに言うこと;  控えめな言葉[表現] 《★【解説】 誇張表現の反対で, 控えめに表現してかえって強い印象を与えるもので, 特に英国人が好むとされている; たとえば good というのを not bad と言ったり, very thoughtful を not unthoughtful と言うなど》.

the understátement of the yéar  実に控えめな言い方

·To say that the food situation is unsatisfactory is the understatement of the year; millions of people are dying of hunger. 食料事情は満足のいくものではないと言うのはなまぬるい表現だ, 何百万という人が餓死しているのだから.


noun countable and uncountable

▸ to say it wasn't well attended is an understatement

 decir que no estuvo muy concurrido es quedarse corto

▸ that's the understatement of the year!

 (informal) ese es el eufemismo del año

▸ a master of understatement

 un experto en la descripción mesurada y comedida


cf. cut to the chase 本題に入る

 to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important:
I didn't have long to talk so I cut to the chase and asked whether he was still married.


 Rogue Male (1976 ヒトラー暗殺計画 Lejos de la manada)


Original release  22 September 1976

01:09:27,997 --> 01:09:31,616
"An elephant separated from the herd
is known as a rogue male."


01:09:27,997 --> 01:09:31,616
"Un elefante separado de la manada se
conoce como un pícaro, hombres".

Poco antes de estallar la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Sir Robert Thorndyke fracasa en su intento de asesinar a Adolf Hitler. Tras ser capturado y torturado por la Gestapo, consigue huir a Inglaterra, con sus perseguidores pisándole los talones. Temiendo que el gobierno inglés lo entregue a las autoridades alemanas, pone en marcha una batalla subterránea para librarse de sus perseguidores. Se inspira en una novela que ya había sido llevada al cine por Fritz Lang: "Man Hunt".

👇一昨日 pájaros 9月20日、千葉ロッテマリーンズ対オリックス・バファローズ戦の最中、ZOZOマリンスタジアムに迷い込んだの群れが原因で、試合が約20分も中断する珍事が起こりました。

Albarracín: la fiesta ancestral

今年のノーベル文学賞発表まで後2週間。premio Nobel de literatura


Monthly, September 2022
Coming soon: 2022 Nobel Prizes
Six days – six prizes
In less than a month, the Nobel Prize laureates of 2022 will be revealed. Beginning on 3 October, we will be announcing the scientists, writers and promoters of peace that have received this year’s prizes. The announcements, which capture the world’s attention, are the culmination of extensive work by the Nobel Committees, who must choose worthy candidates from a vast field of nominees that are submitted by numerous skilled people worldwide. After a long selection process, the four Nobel Prize awarding institutions finally make their choice of laureates, who – in keeping with the vision of Alfred Nobel – have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.

Awarded annually for more than a century
The Nobel Prize medal. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud
The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901 and have, with few exceptions, been awarded annually since then. The Nobel Prize was set up when businessman and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel died and left the majority of his fortune to the establishment of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. Do you want to know more about the Nobel Prize? Find out in the FAQ!

Find the questions and answers here

50 years of secrecy
From the archives. Courtesy of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
There is often speculation about who has been nominated for a Nobel Prize, with names of candidates even appearing in the media. However, the Nobel Committees do not announce the names of nominees, either to the media or to the candidates themselves. Information about a given year’s candidates and/or nominators is not released until 50 years have passed, according to the 50-year secrecy rule. Available nominations are collected in an online archive at nobelprize.org.

Explore the nomination archive

“It was a pretty thrilling moment”
Frances Arnold.
Early one October morning, in a hotel room, Frances Arnold received a call to say she had been awarded the Nobel Prize. “I was very surprised and overwhelmed, terrified, happy, thrilled and bouncing off the walls,” she recalled in an interview about the unforgettable call and what receiving the Nobel Prize meant to her.

Arnold was awarded the 2018 chemistry prize for using the process of evolution to make new and better enzymes.

Watch or read the interview

“I didn't understand the reason of all congratulations”
Hiroshi Amano.
Hiroshi Amano was on a plane from Japan to Frankfurt when the word “Congratulations” started to appear in his emails. However, with his plane about to take off, he had no time to open and find out the reason behind the messages. Not until he arrived at his final destination, did he discover the explanation.

Amano was awarded the 2014 physics prize for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes.

Listen to Hiroshi Amano

“Robin and I often have a beer down by the riverside”
Barry Marshall
Barry Marshall got the call in an Australian pub with his colleague Robin Warren, where they went every year the day of the announcement. “I mean, of course, we would always dream about winning the Nobel, but we never really thought we would.”

Marshall and Warren were awarded the 2005 medicine prize for their discovery of how stomach ulcers are caused by bacteria, not stress.

Read or listen to the full interview with Barry Marshall

Monthly Quiz

Three-time recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 28 times to organisations between 1901 and 2021. 25 individual organisations have been awarded, but only one has been awarded the Nobel Prize three times. Do you know which one? Make a guess and click to submit your answer.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Committee of the Red Cross
Amnesty International