
スペイン内戦勃発 Estalla la Guerra Civil 1936年の今日

スペイン内戦Guerra Civil Española (1936年7月17日 - 1939年4月1日) とは、第二共和政期のスペインで勃発した内戦です。マヌエル・アサーニャ率いる左派の人民戦線政府と、フランシスコ・フランコを中心とした右派の反乱軍とが争いました。反ファシズム陣営である人民戦線をソビエト連邦が支援し、フランコをファシズム陣営のドイツ・イタリアが支持するなど、第二次世界大戦の前哨戦としての様相を呈していました。


The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict fought in Spain from 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939. The war began after a pronunciamiento (declaration of opposition) by a group of generals under the leadership of José Sanjurjo against the elected government of the Second Spanish Republic, at the time under the leadership of President Manuel Azaña. The rebel coup was supported by a number of conservative groups including the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right, monarchists such as the religious conservative Carlists, and the Fascist Falange. The uprising was authoritarian and anti-separatist in inspiration; anti-Basque and anti-Catalan feeling marked the Nationalist zone.Following the only partially successful coup, Spain was left militarily and politically divided. From that moment onwards, general Francisco Franco began a protracted war of attrition against the established government for the control of the country. The rebel forces received the support of Nazi Germany and the Kingdom of Italy, as well as neighbouring Portugal, while the Soviet Union and Mexico intervened in support of the Republican government or loyalist side.
Bloody purges occurred in pieces of territory conquered from the republic in order to consolidate Franco's future regime, while fundamentally different killings took place in areas controlled by the Republicans, where killings were largely a result of a breakdown in law and order. The Civil War became notable for the passion and political division it inspired. Tens of thousands of civilians on both sides were killed for their political or religious views, and after the War's conclusion in 1939, those associated with the losing Republicans were persecuted by the victorious Nationalists.
The war ended with the victory of the Nationalists, the overthrow of the democratically elected government, and the exile of thousands of left-leaning Spaniards, many of whom fled to refugee camps in Southern France. With the establishment of a dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco in the aftermath of the Civil War, all right-wing parties were fused into the structure of the Franco regime.

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