
Mary Had a Little Lamb メリーさんのひつじ (1830年) María tenía un corderito

1830年の今日、5月24日に、サラ・ジョセファ・ヘイルによるオリジナルの詩としてボストンの出版社から、皆様御存知の「メリーさんのひつじ」 Mary Had a Little Lamb が発行されました。

The nursery rhyme was first published by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon, as an original poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830, and was inspired by an actual incident.

Mary Had a Little Lamb (María tenía un corderito) es una canción infantil perteneciente a la música estadounidense. Registrada en el siglo XIX, es una de las piezas de su género más populares, cuya característica melodía es conocida en todo el mundo.

As a girl, Mary Sawyer (later Mrs. Mary Tyler) kept a pet lamb, which she took to school one day at the suggestion of her brother. A commotion naturally ensued. Mary recalled: "Visiting school that morning was a young man by the name of John Roulstone, a nephew of the Reverend Lemuel Capen, who was then settled in Sterling. It was the custom then for students to prepare for college with ministers, and for this purpose Mr. Roulstone was studying with his uncle. The young man was very much pleased with the incident of the lamb; and the next day he rode across the fields on horseback to the little old schoolhouse and handed me a slip of paper which had written upon it the three original stanzas of the poem..."

これは実話なのだそうです。Ernesto Mr. T も塾なども含めれば教職 40年近くになりますが、一度も教室で羊に出会ったことはありません。

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